Science Collaborations
Scientific projects I’m currently engaged in or have participated in.

12.01.2025 – present
UiT University Tromsø, Norway
Extremes project
Developing a transformative interdisciplinary approach to studying Extreme Environments in the Arctic and beyond.
Extreme Environments are places where conditions are very harsh and challenging for life. These areas can be incredibly hot, cold, deep underwater, or have high levels of chemicals that most living organisms would find toxic. The project’s primary goal is to establish a foundation for a new network that facilitates this engagement by bringing together interested researchers, artists, and stakeholders. This network will focus on interdisciplinary exchanges and activities aimed at exploring innovative ways to understand, represent, communicate, and connect with extreme marine environments.

11.05.2022 – 01.12.202
UiT University Tromsø, Norway
AKMA- OceanSenses 2022
Exploring extreme environment with a focus on science and education.
In this project scientists investigated and collected data from extreme environments such as cold seeps sites These sites are areas on the ocean floor where methane naturally occur and bubble up in the water column. There are also sites where environmental stressors affect biological communities. Combining this new data with the data already available to us will increase our ability to understand the present and predict our future. Secondly scientists, educators and artists developed a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration to bring science into the class rooms. The aim was to develop different learning tools to experience the ocean using all our senses touch, smell, hearing and taste.

12.01.2025 – present
UiT University Tromsø, Norway
“Arctic Auditories – Hydrospheres in the High North” (RCN 325506, 2021-25) is an interdisciplinary project based in feminist methodologies. It engages scholarship and methods from sound arts, human geography and applied ethnomusicology to develop strategies for understanding environmental change through sound. Focusing on water environments, the ultimate aim of the project is to deliver innovative inter-disciplinary, empowering, and democratic listening strategies to help individuals and society more broadly, cultivate radical imaginations of futures beyond environmental anxiety.